Renewable, nature-based sourcing

A definition of sustainability is “a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.”

For the manufacture of disposable foodservice products, we believe using annually renewable, plant-based resources is far more sustainable than using limited (and toxic) fossil fuel-based resources that, through extraction and processing, are environmentally damaging.

Retrieving agricultural waste that would otherwise be incinerated, using wood pulp fibers from sustainable tree plantations following good forestry principles, and harvesting crops not grown for food use are examples of sustainable sourcing for our products.

Annually Renewable Resource Alternative material to petroleum-based plastic End products
FSC, SFI certified wood pulp fiber Bioplastic – cellulose Cups, Clear food bags and wraps
Sugar cane, wheat straw, bamboo, fallen leaves Bagasse, plant fibers, plant and wood pulp Dinnerware, takeout containers
Field corn and other vegetable starch from plants Bioplastic – PLA (Ingeo®) Cups, bowls, trays, deli containers
Corn and other vegetable starch from plants Bioplastic – PSM Cutlery, utensils